Home Furnishings
Home Furnishings is another massive category that we worked to understand. A retail showroom does not hint at the number of people and businesses involved in creating the items you see there. We decided to break it down into the following:
Bedding and Bath tries to go beyond the big box version of sheets and towels to show a more personalized version of the sleep space. In Designers, we felt it appropriate to show you some of the people and companies that influence home furnishing trends and their visions of the well-decorated home. The Manufacturers - like the Home Appliance makers - have caught on to the need to impress the consumer with their designs/quality pre-purchase. If you are redecorating, plan an evening to get through these. Mattresses made from modern materials are expanding this section. Online seems an odd place to sell large items but these folks are having a go of it. The Retailers is a separate section for those established furniture businesses who have decided to dip their toe into the online world.